Why this is the best Portuguese course?

Our methodology, developed by the founder Dr. Furst, provides the student with the experience of Brazilian Portuguese in a unique way, teaching language through a cultural lens involves examining Brazilian cultural norms and traditions, but also making comparisons with the students backgrounds.

Professor Mariana Furst is a Brazilian Portuguese Linguistics Ph.D. with huge experience in teaching, learning, research, interpretation, and consulting. She has been teaching Brazilian Portuguese for over 28 years and is very knowledgeable about Brazilian culture. Dr. Furst was born and raised in Brazil, and she moved to the US, in 2016, invited by UCSB to work as Scholar at UCSB, Department of Education.

Course curriculum

    1. Primeiros Passos (The first step)

    2. Aprenda o alfabeto. (Learn the alphabet)

    3. Ouça e olhe as figuras (Listen and look at the pictures)

    4. Apresentando-se (Introduce yourself)

    5. Nomes e sobrenomes

    6. Soletre as palavras (Spell words)

    7. Os números (Numbers)

    1. Carteira de Estudante

    2. Informações pessoais da Eduarda. (Eduarda's personal information)

    3. Pronomes Pessoais

    4. Complete as frases com o pronome correto. (Complete the sentences)

    5. Combine as colunas e complete as sentenças. (Match the parts of the sentence)

    1. Saudações Formais (Formal Greetings)

    2. Bate-papo (Everyday conversation)

    3. Verbo ser

    4. Complete as sentenças. Use o verbo ser. (Complete the sentences)

    5. Ordene as palavras e forme frases: (Unscramble the sentences)

    6. Conhecendo Pessoas (Learn how to meet new people)

    7. De onde você é? (Where are you from?)

    8. Combine as perguntas com as respostas certas. (Match the questions with the answers)

    1. Sentimentos (Feelings)

    2. Combine as palavras com as imagens (Match the words with the picture.

    3. Verbo Estar

    4. Leia as informações. Responda sim ou não. (Read the information. Answer yes or no)

    5. Forma negativa verbo ESTAR (Negative statements with estar)

    6. Complete as frases com a opção correta. (Complete the sentences)

    1. Que horas são? ( What time is it?)

    2. As Refeições e as Horas (Meals and Meal Times)

    3. Responda as perguntas abaixo de acordo com o modelo: ( Answer the questions below according to the model)

    4. Responda as questões a seguir: (Answer the questions below)

    5. Observe as imagens e marque a alternativa correta. ( Look at the pictures and mark the correct alternative.

    1. Meios de Transporte (Transportation)

    2. Que tipo de transporte é esse? (What kind of transportation is this?)

    3. Responda as perguntas para Carlos. (Answer the questions for Carlos)

    4. Leia o horário do ônibus. (Read the bus schedule)

    5. Lugares na comunidade (Places in the community)

About this course

  • 4 x $250.00


Brazilian Portuguese Linguistics Ph.D. Mariana Furst

Dr. Mariana S. B. C. Furst is a Brazilian Portuguese Linguistics Ph.D., she also is Master in Linguistics, and has a Bachelor in Portuguese Language and in Brazilian and Portuguese Literature. Professor Furst teaches Portuguese since 1995. She has experiences as a K-12 teacher in Belo Horizonte (Brazil) School District, improving the performance of many Brazilian teachers by providing continuing education courses, teaching Portuguese as second language for foreign students at UFMG ( 03/2008 – 12/2014), and on her over 14 years, since 02/2008, of research on teaching-learning languages processes. Her long experience and knowledge is bringing together her research and teaching expertise to the US. The research and educational innovations that she developed got her invited to come to the US to work as a UCSB Visiting Scholar for two and half years. During this period she contributed to local bilingual students by becoming a teacher within the UCSB SKILLS Program in the UCSB Department of Education.

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